Think Before You Click

Phishing emails and text messages are the most widely used tactic amongst fraudsters. They often send messages posing as a person or company that you know or trust. Watch out for emails that ask you to click a suspicious link or provide personal information. The sender may claim to be someone from your bank, but it’s a scam. Think twice before clicking on links in emails.

How to keep yourself safe from phishing emails:

  1. Beware of urgent or threatening language in the subject line.
  2. Look but don’t click. Hover your mouse over links hyperlinked into the email. If the link address looks suspicious do not click on it.
  3. If you receive an email or text about personal information or finances, ask “am I expecting this? Did I prompt this? Does it make sense?” If you are unsure — reach out to the company or person who generated the email or text.

